Concepts posts will expand on ideas discussed in each Fatal Crash Review post.
These ideas will be added to the RESOURCES section of the site.
I will try to keep these short and "screenshot-able" for easy sharing and include at least one link for a deeper dive into the subject.
Each Fatal Crash Review post will be tagged with the concepts discussed.
Once the resources tab gets built up, there may be weeks without a Concepts post because all of the concepts in that post have already been covered.
Quick-Build Cycle Track
A quick-build cycle track is something that has not been built in Indianapolis to the standard that I would like to see, nor the frequency. We have fully separated and protected cycle tracks in a few locations, but those projects take time, extensive planning, and they're costly. The setup we proposed on this segment of Washington Street can be added in parallel to a resurfacing project. It's just paint and some minor installation work that could be completed over a weekend (once the resurfacing work has completed). Five lane roads are extremely well-suited for this conversion because of their excessive width. Five twelve-foot lanes can easily be converted to five ten-foot lanes with a ten-foot quick-build cycle track. This conversion creates space for peds/bikes AND slows down drivers (see Road Diet for more info about that concept). This is a great, and cost-efficient tool, that Indianapolis needs to use more often.